Valorant launched earlier this year after a lengthy beta period, and while there’s a few issues here and there, it seems by and large the game has struck the landing for the audience it was aiming for. Whether or not this can even touch the success of Riot Games’ bread and butter, League of Legends, or manage to find its niche in the sea of hero shooters remains to be seen. One thing it’ll need is a steady stream of content, and it seems that is definitely coming.
In a new Dev Diary, Executive Producer Anna Donlon outlined a rough roadmap of content to come. First and foremost, it seems that the game will have episodes at roughly six month intervals, each one broken down into three acts, and with each act comes a new character, which equates to six agents yearly if all is released on schedule. The beginning of a new episode will also be where they add maps and new features, and Donlon says the aim is also to have more story content folded into the game as we get closer to Episode 2. This will naturally come with new quality of life updates as time goes on as well.
Donlon does caution that this could change however, and that there is no set in stone schedule as it stands now as the entire development team is working from home and we are still in uncertain waters due to COVID-19. There’s also nothing said about the potential console versions of the game, so that will most likely be something that comes much later. We’ll keep you updated as more information becomes available about Valorant‘s updates.
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