Xbox Game Pass Has Over 10 Million Subscribers; Xbox Live At 90 Million Active Users

Xbox Game Pass

Microsoft has been banking very hard on the fact that its Game Pass service is the future. They’ve put their own first party titles on the service day and date with the full release, and there’s always a pretty hefty rotating list of titles no matter the month. Well, it seems the future may be now, as the service is growing at a pretty incredible rate.

As part of their third quarter fiscal year report for 2020, Microsoft confirmed that Game Pass has now surpassed 10 million users, which is impressive for the limited time it’s been available. Xbox Live is still going strong with 90 million active users. Pretty incredible numbers all around.

It is worth mentioning here, however, that the overall revenue from the gaming side is down, though it’s a very slight decrease of only 1%. That comes as Xbox services and content increased by 2%, but was offset by Xbox hardware revenue dipping 20% as the Xbox One nears the end of its life cycle.

So even with revenue down slightly, it looks like Game Pass is definitely on the rise. No doubt some of this was driven by the very cheap promotional prices Microsoft has had for the service as well as the recent stay at home orders around the world, but still, this is an impressive number that is sure to grow.

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