Luminous Productions has had quite the journey since launching last year. Originally helmed by Final Fantasy 15 director Hajime Tabata, the latter left the studio and was succeeded by lead programmer Takeshi Aramaki. Since then, the studio has been working on a new AAA title (which is reportedly in the works for PS5).
Not much is known about the game, save for it being a brand new IP that will have “worldwide appeal”. In a new interview with Famitsu, some insight was provided into the company’s work schedule and what’s correctly happening with the new project. Project manager Saya Nakahara spoke about the studio’s 9:30 AM to 6 PM schedule that was followed to avoid crunch. Nakahara further mentioned that the opinion of all employees was considered despite seniority, which is interesting in itself.
However, when asked specifically about the new title, lead concept artist Yuuki Matsuzawa, “There’s not much we can tell you for now (laughs). We decided on certain elements of the game, but others elements are still under consideration. People like me who are at the top of the development process are very busy. It’s a brand new IP, so some things about it are different compared to what we’ve done until now. Meaning it’s a project difficult to work on and takes a lot of time.”
There’s not much to go off of but that probably reflects just how far off the game is. Whether it will release exclusively for the PlayStation 5 or also arrive on the next-generation Xbox also remains to be seen. Regardless, stay tuned for more details in the coming months – the next generation of consoles is nearly upon us.
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